Gone Fishin’
Out on a recent drone shoot focused on capturing Bundaberg for our Digital Download Gallery, I discovered an interesting estuary with bends and loops.
After shooting a bunch of different images I noticed a dinghy cruising around to different spots to chuck a line in. Seeing an opportunity to have an awesome subject for a top down image, I switched up settings to a burst mode and found a composition in landscape with the intention of rotating it to portrait in post. Shot away a few bursts and came up with a fairly flat lifeless image that definitely wasn’t something I had envisioned, after some selective masking and colouring in Lightroom I ended up with something a lot closer to what I wanted to create.
This image is now available through our Digital Download Gallery for commercial use.
#bundabergphotography #dronephotography #aerialart #lovebundy #dronescape